Editing & Writing Services
Who We Are
BLACKHAND EDITORIAL is a full editing & writing service. Founded in 2008, this group of editors & writers joined forces with the idea of helping people polish their written work to perfection. BLACKHAND cultivates a combination of Masters- and PhD-level editing & writing experience. We aim to bring our clients a successful document. Simply put, we aim to please. We want you to be comfortable with the professionals who will be working on your document. BLACKHAND’s editing service aims to smooth over various errors in your document while our writing service offers creative & technical writers to flesh out whatever documents you may need. Feel free to email us & get answers to your questions.
Film - Novels
Essays - Dissertations - Theses
Journal Articles
Medical - Students - Legal
Grant Proposals
Medical - Academic - Legal - Creative
Newsletters & Resumes
Editing Services
Contact us for further editing service information
Copy-editing – We copy edit written & typewritten text for typesetting, printing, publication. Our editors aim to improve the formatting, style, and accuracy of your text. Blackhand will edit your text by checking its consistency and accuracy.
Proofreading – Writers often come to us with work close to the final stage of completion. We will give your copy a review and correct any errors we find in the writing. Our editors will check for errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation.
Content Editing – Content editing is much more intensive. It consists of adding text & re-writing sections of missing content. Content editing also fact checks & will add-in footnotes that you can use by choice. It is a higher level of copy editing as it can include some level of content creation along with making corrections.
Research – Many times a writer may find that they simply do not have time for heavy research. Blackhand Editorial will conduct the fact-finding research necessary for your project. We specialize in researching, writing, and editing nonfiction and fiction works for a client.
Writing Services
Contact us for further information on our writing services
Technical Writing – We create documents that are technically accurate & compliant within any specification that you provide for us. We will compose manuals to create based on what a customer needs to communicate. Please contact us & provide specific details for your specific technical writing needs.
Technical Writing Services Include:
- User guides
- Operator manuals
- Website pages
- Technical papers
- Medical & Scientific Writing
- Standard operating procedures
- Proposals
- Online help
- Resumes
- Pharmaceutical documentation
- Equipment manuals
Creative Writing Services
Please contact us for further information
Creative Writing – Please contact us & provide specific details of your creative writing needs.
Creative Writing Services Include:
- Screenplays
- Novels
- Film
- Songwriting
- Scriptwriting
- Essays
- Memoirs
Grant Writing
Grant Writing – A grant proposal is a document written to an organization or funding agency aimed specifically at reviewers in an effort to provide financial support for your cause. We compose grant proposals & also cover letters.
Free sample edit
We will send you a free sample of our editing work before you commit to using our service. To request one, send an email to: blackhandeditorial@gmail.com
Why should I use a copy editor?
We always strive for the best.
Many people rely on spell check as a reliable source for typos, spelling, & word choice. The truth is, spell check does not catch all errors. Sentence structures vary, things like conversational pieces & slang are structures computers simply cannot pick up on. A copy editor can give your work detailed revision because editing requires a certain focus only an editor can deliver.
The purpose of a technical writer
Technical writing is necessary for a variety of mediums, such as manufacturing companies, advertising & engineering firms, technology companies, plus so much more. Whenever a company or individual is in need, we provide content like user guides, training manuals, or any other technical writing document projects.
Pricing for editorial services / Please contact us for pricing on writing services
Proofreading: $3 per page
Proofreading rids your document of cosmetic errors. It is usually the last step in the writing/editing process. Proofreading does not re-work or rearrange your content, rather its main purpose is to catch aesthetic problems with the content.
Copy editing: $4 per page
Copy editing improves the style, formatting, and accuracy of a document. Copy editing checks for inconsistencies, sentence structure & grammatical errors. There are different levels of copy editing: light, medium, and heavy. Light copy editing checks for accuracy & grammatical issues. Medium copy editing corrects sentence flow & re-works some of the text. Heavy copy editing re-structures paragraphs, heavily corrects style, flow, & grammar.
Content editing: $8 per page
Content editing is much more intensive. It consists of adding text & re-writing sections of missing content. Content editing also fact checks & will add-in footnotes that you can use by choice. It is a higher level of copy editing as it can include some level of content creation along with making corrections.
Indie Writer's Corner
Check out work from independent authors, cartoonists, novelists, & more. New work coming soon.
Make payment using PayPal
Client Inquiry Form
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